Todd R. Long
Contact Information
- Office: Bldg. 47, Rm. 34L
- Phone: 805-756-2015
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- Web Page:
- Ph.D., University of Rochester
Professional Interests
- Epistemology
- Metaphysics (especially free will and responsibility)
- Philosophy of Religion
Selected Publications
- Links available on my Web Page:
- “Knowledge and Faith”, The Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion, eds. Stewart Goetz & Charles Taliaferro (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2021).
- “Epistemic Justification”, in Introduction to Philosophy: Epistemology, ed. Brian Barnett (Rebus, 2021).
- “From Experience to Evidence: Sensory and Testimonial”, in Believing in Accordance with the Evidence: New Essays in Evidentialism, ed. Kevin McCain (Springer, 2018) 7-21.
- “Minimal Skeptical Theism”, in Skeptical Theism: New Essays, eds. Trent Dougherty & Justin McBrayer (Oxford University Press, 2016) 63-75.
- “Information Manipulation and Moral Responsibility”, in Manipulation: Theory and Practice, eds. Michael Weber and Christian Coons (Oxford University Press, 2014) 151-174.
- “Mentalist Evidentialism Vindicated (and a Super-Blooper Epistemic Design Problem for Proper Function Justification)” Philosophical Studies (forthcoming).
- “Proper Function Justification and Epistemic Rationality,” Southwest Philosophy Review 26:1 (2010), pp. 189-195.
- “A Proper De Jure Objection to the Epistemic Rationality of Religious Belief ,” Religious Studies 46:3 (2010) 375-394.
- “Is it True that 'Evolution is a Theory, Not a Fact'?” International Journal of Applied Philosophy 21:1 (2007) 89-108.
- “Moderate Reasons-Responsiveness, Moral Responsibility, and Manipulation,” ed. Campbell, O'Rourke, and Shier, Freedom and Determinism (MIT Press) 2004, pp. 151-172.
Selected Presentations
- “Mimetic Desire Theory and the Spiritual Disciplines”, Society of Christian Philosophers (Midwest Region), Spring Hill College, Mobile, AL, March 21, 2015.
- “Art Criticism’s Theological Poverty: The Tree of Life as a Case in Point”, Faith, Film, & Philosophy Seminar, Gonzaga University, October 5, 2012.
- “Epistemic Conditions for Moral Responsibility and Information Manipulation”, Bowling Green Workshop in Applied Ethics and Public Policy: Manipulation, Bowling Green State University, March 17, 2012.
- “Information Manipulation and Moral Responsibility”, Colloquium Series, Department of Philosophy, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, September 9, 2011.
- “An Evidentialist Response to a Plantingan Objection to Evidentialism”, Young Philosophers Lecture Series and Podcast, SUNY Fredonia, March 26, 2010.
- “A Bone for Traditional Foundationalism,” American Philosophical Association, Central Division Program, Chicago, IL, February 20, 2009
- “On Plantinga's De Jure Objection to Religious Belief: An Evidentialist Reply,” Baylor Philosophy of Religion Conference, Baylor University, February 24, 2007.
- “Is it True that 'Evolution is a Theory, Not a Fact'?” Society of Christian Philosophers—Pacific Region, University of San Diego, February 18, 2006.
- “Justification-Skepticism, Strong Truth-Conduciveness, and Epistemic Assurance,” Inland Northwest Conference on Knowledge & Skepticism, Washington State University, May 2004.
- “Moderate Reasons-Responsiveness, Moral Responsibility, and Manipulation,” Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference on Freedom & Determinism, University of Idaho, April 2001.
Courses Taught
- PHIL 449: Moral Responsibility and Manipulation
- PHIL 449: Epistemology of Religious Belief
- PHIL 412: Epistemology
- PHIL 411: Metaphysics
- PHIL 350: Aesthetics
- PHIL 230: Philosophical Classics - Knowledge & Reality
- PHIL 101: Introduction to Philosophy