
Religious Studies Program

The Cal Poly Philosophy Department houses a Religious Studies program with a wide variety of courses in GE and a Religious Studies minor.

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Between the Species

Between the Species online journal logoAn online philosophy journal about the relationship between humans and animals.
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Ethics Group

Cal Poly's Ethics + Emerging Sciences Group focuses on the implications and impact of emerging sciences and technologies.
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Recent News

Ethics of Surveillance

Jan 29, 2016

GovernmentThe United States government has created an unprecedented intelligence-gathering apparatus, allegedly capable of storing a hundred years' worth of the world's communications. What, if anything, is wrong with this staggering data collection andstorage? Is intelligence gathering necessary for safeguarding Americans? Or does it constitute an unjustified violation of privacy? Join Dr. Ryan Jenkins of Cal Poly's philosophy department for a presentation and discussion on the ethics of ubiquitous surveillance.

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Enhancement Technologies and Disabilities

Jan 22, 2016

Virginia Tech philosophy Professor Ashley Shew will present “We Can Rebuild You: Disabled Bodies and Technological Imagination” at 11 a.m. Friday, Jan. 22, in Philips Hall in the Performing Arts Center at Cal Poly.

Virginia Tech Philosopher to Discuss Human Enhancement Technologies and Disabilities on Jan 22

Jan 4, 2016

Virginia Tech philosophy professor Ashley Shew will deliver a special invited talk on human enhancement technologies and disabilities at 11 am. Friday, January 22, in Philips Hall (Building 06-124 in the Performing Arts Center) at Cal Poly.

Shew’s talk is titled “We Can Rebuild You: Disabled Bodies and Technological Imagination.”

Cal Poly to Host ‘Yoga in America’ May Lecture Series

May 11, 2015

The Cal Poly Religious Studies Program will host two events exploring the history and challenges of yoga in America on Tuesday, May 19, and May 26 on campus.  

‘Perspectives on Religion and Society’ Series Set for February and March at Cal Poly

Mar 6, 2015

Cal Poly will host three events exploring “Perspectives on Religion and Society” from 11 a.m. to noon Tuesday, Feb. 10 and 17, and Thursday, March 5, on campus. 

Santa Clara Ethics Professor to Discuss Software, App Design March 5 at Cal Poly

Mar 3, 2015

Santa Clara University Philosophy Professor Shannon Vallor will speak on “Ethics for Software/App Design” at 4 p.m. Thursday, March 5, in the Advanced Technology Laboratories (Building 7) at Cal Poly. 

Influential Philosopher to Talk Jan. 29 at Cal Poly

Mar 3, 2015

Bas van Frassen; philosopher

Philosopher Bas van Fraassen will give a presentation at Cal Poly titled “Hempel’s Dilemma,” at 11:10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 29, in the Corporation Administration Building (No. 15), Room 135.

Public Lectures

Mar 6, 2013

The Philosophy Department hosts free public lectures throughout the year.  Stay tuned for a list of events scheduled for academic year 2016-17.

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