Recent News
Research Workshop: "You Would Do That"
Oct 2, 2019
Brian Looper (UCSB Philosophy grad student)
Friday, October 25, 2019 from 12:10 - 2:00 pm in 22-210 (English bldg)

Philosophy Department Fall Reception
Sep 24, 2019
Thursday, October 3 2019
11:00 am - Noon
3-204 (Business)

Research Workshop on "The Eligibility of Rule Utilitarianism"
Jul 31, 2019
David Mokriski (UCSB Grad Student)
Friday, May 17th from 12:10-2 PM in 22-210 (English bldg)

Research Workshop on "What is Justified Certainty?"
Apr 19, 2019
Arnel Blake Batoon (UCSB Grad Student)
Friday, April 19th from 12:10-2 PM in 22-210 (English bldg)

Open House: Ethics Bowl Mock Debate
Apr 13, 2019
See our Nationally Ranked Cal Poly Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl Team In Action!
Open House Saturday, April 13th
11:30 am–1:00 pm
Bldg 26 Rm 223
For Open House our nationally ranked Ethics Bowl Team is hosting a mock debate, fielding audience questions, and providing information to prospective students interested in learning more about Ethics Bowl. We welcome all to come to the Mock Ethics Bowl event.Put our very own nationally ranked ethical debate team to the test! The flyer for the event is found here.

2019 Student Symposium
Mar 8, 2019
Join us on the afternoon of Friday, March 8, 2019 for the 2019 Winter Student Symposium.
Friday, March 8, 2019
1:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Building 38, Rm 121 (Math & Science)
Poly Gives - Cal Poly's Day of Giving
Mar 7, 2019
Join us March 7 for Cal Poly's Day of Giving!
March 7 is Poly Gives, Cal Poly's Day of Giving - a 30-hour digital giving campaign when our amazing alumni, parents and friends give back to the Cal Poly they love, and our incredible students show their appreciation for the thousands of generous donors, faculty and staff who help make Learn by Doing possible.
See the Giving tab above to donate to the Philosophy Department. If you can’t find the specific department or fund you’re looking for please make your gift at Your gift will still be included in the Poly Gives totals.

Research Workshop on "Does Hume Solve Skepticism?"
Mar 1, 2019
Jason Collins (UCSB Grad Student)
March 1, 2019,12:10 - 2:00 pm in 33-289 (Clyde P. Fisher Science Hall)

Lecture on "When Social Media Companies, Research Ethics, and Human Rights Collide"
Feb 19, 2019
Dr. Mary L. Gray will offer a new human-data research paradigm for technology’s next wave of social worlds in her talk "When Social Media Companies, Research Ethics, and Human Rights Collide."
Ethics & Emerging Sciences Group
Feb 14, 2019
Ethics & Emerging Sciences Group
Patrick Lin, philosophy professor and Director of Ethics + Emerging Sciences Group, and Zachary Rentz, philosophy lecturer, traveled to Reykjavik, Iceland to attend Emerging Artistic Conflicts, Laws, and Ethics Workshop on June 18-19, 2018. The discussion involved the implications of political and economic competition in the Arctic Region as new land and resources become accessible due to climate change. For more information visit the E+ESG website.