
Religious Studies Program

The Cal Poly Philosophy Department houses a Religious Studies program with a wide variety of courses in GE and a Religious Studies minor.

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Between the Species

Between the Species online journal logoAn online philosophy journal about the relationship between humans and animals.
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Ethics Group

Cal Poly's Ethics + Emerging Sciences Group focuses on the implications and impact of emerging sciences and technologies.
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Recent News

Research Workshop on “Grappling Hooks and Anchors: The Function of Singular Thought”

Oct 12, 2018

Kyle Dickey (UCSB Grad Student)

Friday, October 12th from 12:10–2:00 PM in 22-210 (English bldg)


College of Liberal Arts and the Disability Resource Center Colloquium

Oct 5, 2018

Dr. Stephanie Jenkins: "Unlivable Life: Good and Bad Days with Suicide Pain"

Friday October 5th, 2018 at 1:10pm in Building 38, Room 204 (Math and Science)

The presentation centers on the able-bodied bias of suicide support services and the unique experiences of those living with disability, chronic or terminal illness.


Student Research and Travel

Aug 9, 2018

Jacob Watson, an undergraduate PHIL major, attended the Rocky Mountain Ethics (RoME) Congress from August 9-13 along with Ryan Jenkins, Assistant Professor. The RoME Congress is a North American philosophy conference that has been held at University of Colorado Boulder for the past 11 summers.

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Student Research and Travel

Jun 20, 2018

Dean Boswell, an undergraduate PHIL major, and research partner, Hannah Davis,  attended the 2018 National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP) in Washington D.C. at the Hilton Resort in late June 2018.

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2018 Student Essay Contest

May 19, 2018

Congratulations to our 2018 Student Essay Contest winners!

1st Place: Will Trammell for "Interdependence in Hegel’s Lordship and Bondage" 

2nd Place: Armando Ruiz, for "Rethinking Robert Nozick’s Entitlement Theory with Systemic Injustices"

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2018 Student Symposium

May 18, 2018

The Philosophy Department’s Spring Student Symposium will take place on Friday, May 18th. 

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Duncan Purves photo

Philosophy Colloquium

May 3, 2018

Duncan Purves (University of Florida at Gainesville)

"Predictive Policing and the Demands of Justice"

Predictive algorithms are increasingly used by police departments in the United States to anticipate and deter criminal activity by identifying geographic regions that are at high risk for crime. The use of so-called place-based predictive algorithms in policing has faced negative public attention but very little academic scrutiny.

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Lecture on Ethics of Internet of Things

Jan 27, 2017

Irina Raicu presents "Barbies, Pacemakers, and Everything In Between: Building a More Ethical Internet of Things" which is a lecture on how connecting things to the internet may have some ethical questions.

Philosophy Colloquium

May 12, 2016

Dr. Benjamin Hale

U. of Colorado Boulder

"The Lingering Value of Technological Artifacts" 

Thursday, May 12, 11 AM — 12:30 PM

Bldg 10 Room 223

Electronic waste is the fastest growing form of waste worldwide. Unfortunately, disposal is not straightforward and recycling is hindered by a tendency of consumers to resist recycling their e-waste.

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Transcendental Meditation Talk Thursday, 11AM to Noon

Feb 24, 2016

This Thursday from 11 AM-Noon in 52-E27, the Religious Studies program is hosting a talk titled "Transcendental Meditation Today."


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