Student and Faculty Research
At Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress (RoME), philosophy major Jacob Watson and Professor Ryan Jenkins presented their co-authored paper, “The Three Faces of Technological Oppression,” which examines the restricting characteristics of technology through the lens of oppression, a powerful framework in political thought and more. Watson and Jenkins presented this paper Aug. 8. Jenkins and Watson are in the process of having their paper published in a professional philosophy journal.
Philosophy major Dean Boswell and research partner, Hannah Davis, attended the 2018 National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP) in Washington D.C. at the Hilton Resort in late June 2018. Boswell and Davis presented the hypothesis that undergraduate Pre-Medical students are at higher risk of depressive disorders.
Professor Eleanor Helms presented a paper titled “Real Knowledge from Made-up Things: Kierkegaard on Thought Experiments” at a meeting of the Fordham Philosophical Society, held at the annual meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association in San Diego on Nov. 11.
Professor Ryan Jenkins toured the Bay Area delivering his talk, “When Should Silicon Valley Work with the Pentagon?” at several venues — including Google headquarters in Palo Alto, Sonoma State University’s Forum in Ethics, Law, and Society, and San Jose State University.
Professor Patrick Lin participated in two recent expert meetings in the SF Bay Area: one on AI and society, organized by The Royal Society UK and held at Stanford on Nov. 8; and the other on technology ethics at the World Economic Forum's Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution at the Presidio on Nov. 9.