Becoming A Philosophy Minor
For information about the Cal Poly Philosophy minor, go here.
Related Content
Resources for Current Students
- Philosophy Department News & Events
- Tentative Course Offerings
- Scholarships
- Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl Team
- Student Essay Contest
- Annual Student Symposium
- Academic Advising for Philosophy Majors
- Academic Advising for Philosophy Minors
- Need a Form?
- What Can You Do With Your Philosophy Degree?
- Resources for Future Philosophy Majors
- Philosophy Department Faculty & Staff
- Change of Major
Religious Studies Program
The Cal Poly Philosophy Department houses a Religious Studies program with a wide variety of courses in GE and a Religious Studies minor.
Between the Species
An online philosophy journal about the relationship between humans and animals.
Click to visit the website
Ethics Group
Cal Poly's Ethics + Emerging Sciences Group focuses on the implications and impact of emerging sciences and technologies.
Click to visit the website